Support the Marines Museum
You can support the museum starting from a small annual fee. Support the museum with a gift, a bequest, a donation or sign up as a friend.
One-time donations, large or small, are very welcome. Donations can be transferred to:
- Stichting Koninklijke Defensiemusea
- Bankrekening: NL21RABO0184581753
- Citing ‘donatie Mariniersmuseum’
Since 25 June 2014, the Stichting Koninklijke Defensiemuseums (SKD) (Royal Foundation of Defence Museums) has been recognised by the Tax and Customs Administration as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling or ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation). The four museums that are part of the SKD come under the same recognition decision.
Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen (ANBIs) qualify for certain tax benefits in the event of inheritances, gifts, donations and energy tax. Institutions that have been designated as ANBIs have the benefit of these tax breaks. Since 1 January 2012, donors to cultural ANBIs get an extra donation deductible. This is intended to incentivise donations to cultural ANBIs.